Google Apps Login for WordPress
Grow Your Business with Google Apps Login for WordPress
Manage WordPress user accounts entirely from Google Workspace (formally G Suite and Google Apps) and provide Single sign-on (SSO)
Trusted by over 300,000 Businesses
Our plugins are trusted by thousands of organizations from small businesses to NASDAQ-listed corporations, universities. and government organizations
This plugin is the best
Great plugin, works perfect for my organization and my multisite installation.
I tested a few ‘social login’ plugins for WordPress. And I must say that this plugin is the best in allowing a full installation without issues. All my Google App or Google Suite or Google Workspace users can now log into my WordPress Multisite installation.
Thanks for this great plugin.
Easy to set up.
Great documentation available too.
– Renaat
Amazing Plugin
Google Apps Login is an amazing plugin. It gets my users logged in without them having to remember a password and I don’t have to worry about fake users as it authenticates to our domain. It was easy to setup and the guide to create the Google service account was easy to follow.
Aside from working flawlessly, their tech support is the best. I’ve emailed about them a couple of time and gotten responses back that were both quick and extremely helpful. It should be noted that neither time was the issue related to GAL but support took the time to show me what was wrong and how it adversely affected GAL.
Thanks for the awesome product and the awesome tech support!!
– muncherw
How Google Apps Login Helps You Grow Your Business…
No more waiting for WordPress accounts to be set up, and user profiles are automatically populated with real names rather than quirky usernames.

Save time and increase security
Eliminate user management
Completely forget about WordPress users – user accounts from Google Workspace (formally G Suite and Google Apps) are automatically pulled into WordPress.
Ensure only authorized employees have access
Ensure that employees who leave or change roles no longer have unauthorized access to sensitive sites.

Users log into your site with one click using Google Single sign-on (SSO)
Employees do not need to remember yet another password, and admins don’t have to deal with lost accounts.
Uses Google’s recommended OAuth2 with Single sign-on (SSO) including multifactor authentication if enabled
Ideal for corporate intranets
Ensure employees have the correct levels of access – specify WordPress roles based on groups or organizational membership.

The plugin installed perfectly… and worked flawlessly. The webmaster didn’t have to create new accounts, assign new passwords, or even really do anything beyond their normal Google Apps administration.
– Adam Aronoff, Glossy Dev

When we learnt more about the leading Google Apps Login for WordPress plugin, we knew their premium and enterprise versions offered the exact tool we needed for our project.
– Brent Stewart, Africare

Easy to Configure and Extend
Our widely-praised configuration instructions will guide you through registering your site with Google’s Developer Console and setting up the plugin to manage your WordPress site perfectly.
Start Protecting Your Site in Minutes…
Compare Your Options
One-click Google login for existing WordPress users
Uses the latest OAuth2 protocol including secure 2-factor auth if enabled
Auto-create new WordPress users if they authenticate from your specified G Suite (Google Apps) domains
Populate new user profiles based on their Google profile
Specify a default WordPress role for new users
Disable regular WordPress username/password login to ensure terminated employees can not login in the future
Automatically log users out of Google accounts whenever they log out of WordPress
Email support plus automatic updates for one year
Granular user role management
Specify Google Groups or Organizational Units whose members should be mapped to different roles in WordPress
Full reporting of account changes performed by the plugin
Tie WordPress to Google Workspace
Stop seeing Google Workspace and WordPress as competing resources. Our plugins tie the two together.
Premium (single site)
Enterprise (single site)
We offer a 14-day, no-hassle, money-back guarantee.
Special introductory pricing, all renewals are at full price.