Folder JS Hooks

Enterprise-style Google Drive Embedder folders fire Javascript events when certain things happen. Your own code could hook into these events.

The events available are:


The folder with ID folderid (a string) is about to be fetched from Google’s API.


The folder with ID folderid (a string) has returned from Google’s API.


The user clicks on a file so that it displays in the preview lightbox. The filedata is a Javascript object containing the data supplied by the Drive API. e.g. filedata.title is the file’s title.


The user clicks on a file so that it opens in a new window, or downloads. filedata as above.


You could hook into the gdm_loading_folder and gdm_loaded_folder events to display/hide your own ‘loading’ spinner so the user knows they are waiting for something to happen. As basic examples using Javascript alerts to signal the start and finish of the load:

jQuery('body').on('gdm_loading_folder', function(e, folderid) { 
   alert("Loading "+folderid);

jQuery('body').on('gdm_loaded_folder', function(e, folderid) {
   alert("Completed "+folderid);}
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