Bring your site to life with Google Profile Avatars

On any website where users are sharing information with each other, it is important that sharing feels natural. Social networks like Facebook really made this clear – default profile photos of a silhouette with a question mark made it easy to see which users were not yet invested in the community, and by contrast which users were demonstrating they could be trusted to make the network a better place.

If you are running an intranet, this is even more important. Your company is growing, and many of your employees will be unknown to each other both online and offline. Taking a simple step like ensuring your intranet is full of real-life profile photos will help reinforce their offline office relationships, as well as making your intranet a warmer place where your employees are happy to share information.

Employees knowing each others’ names and faces is incredibly important for your business!

However, setting profile photos in WordPress directly is notoriously cumbersome – your users need to set up a new account on a separate website called Gravatar.

basic_avatarsSo we created a small extension plugin for WordPress – called “Google Profile Avatars” – which pulls in users’ profile photos from their Google accounts straight into their profile photo on your WordPress site. If your users have already set a profile photo for Google Plus or Gmail, this means you can make your site more personal and colorful overnight!

The extension works with any recent version of Google Apps Login (free or premium). You can buy it for $9, and read more here.

Google Apps Login is trusted by thousands of organizations from small businesses to NASDAQ-listed companies and government organizations.
Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

You can try it out by clicking below to auto-create a test account on this site! This will show you the basic Google login process.
Try out Google login

Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management. Find out more here.


See [user_first_name] – that was easy!

Your account has been created, and you are now logged in. On your own site, you will specify your Google Apps domain – e.g. – and only users on that domain will be allowed to auto-create accounts.
Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management.
Find out more
