9 WordPress Plugins to Speed Up Productivity

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. In fact, it powers more than 32% of the entire web. But that doesn’t mean it comes fully optimized for you or your team. WordPress plugins exist so that you can tailor your work stream to the platform.

From integrating with Google Apps to efficiently scheduling your posts, WordPress plugins allow you to take your projects to the next level.

Below we’ve highlighted nine of our favorite plugins to boost your productivity — even on this already powerful site. 

1. Google Apps Login

We have to begin with our favorite. Google Apps Login allows you to securely and efficiently log on to your intranet with G Suite.wplogin.png
Google Apps Login reduces friction at sign-on — delivering a more pleasant user experience and saving your team time. In addition, it helps ensure only authorized users have access to your corporate intranet, automatically improving your security. (This is essential, particularly when WordPress attacks are on the rise.)

2. Google Drive Embedder

Last, but certainly not least, Google Drive Embedder is an extremely useful plugin that allows users to embed Google Drive documents and folders directly in-line with WordPress.
Google-drive-embedder.png [Image Source]

From a popup box, WordPress users have easy access to their Google Drive and can select documents to embed directly into their post or page.

For information on installation and enterprise options, click here.

3. WP Project Manager

Built by weDevs, WP Project Manager is software for project collaboration and task management. It includes a range of useful features, including a Kanban board, Gantt charts, time trackers and invoices.
screenshot-1.png weDevs uses their software internally to improve operations — specifically, breaking larger projects into sub-tasks, notifying users of specific updates and changes, and time management. They’ve found it more helpful than many other productivity tools, like Trello.

4. Improved Save Button

Label Blanc developed Improved Save Button as a simple but valuable productivity tool while you’re bouncing between different WordPress posts and pages.
The plugin gives you multiple one-click save options to get you to where you are going faster. For example, you can update and view your post in a single click instead of making changes, waiting for your document to save, and then waiting again for the changes to open in a new window.

5. Assistant

The Beaver Builder Team created Assistant to help WordPress users handle tasks without navigating to the WordPress Admin area.
Assistant is still in early preview release. For now, the tool lets users:

  • Quickly search for posts with the Content app.
  • View recently edited posts and new comments via the Dashboard app
  • Upload images and other files to the WordPress media library via the Media app.

A more complete version will be released later in 2019.

6. OKR

OKR allows you to integrate your team’s objectives and key results directly into your WordPress platform. You’ll find it on the left sidebar — just below familiar tabs like Posts and Pages.
screenshot-1 (3).png The plugin will help hold you and your team more accountable to targets like organic traffic, open and click rates, and even conversions. We love this tool as it clearly measures your productivity.

7. jQuery Smooth Scroll

jQuery Smooth Scroll plugin allows readers and editors to navigate throughout the post more smoothly via anchor links. For longer pages, the tool adds a scroll-to-top button in the lower-right corner.
Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at 8.39.23 AM.png [Image Source]

This plugin has 37 5-star ratings, and many users have enjoyed how responsive the team is to questions.

jQuery Smooth Scroll is based on cudazi’s plugin “Scroll to Top” and is easy to customize with CSS/js code based on your specific needs and your team’s.

8. Spell Check

Who doesn’t need this plugin? Spell Check allows you to find and fix spelling and grammar errors and broken HTML and shortcodes, and empty SEO fields with a single click.

If you’re short on time, Spell Check helps you create a highly professional front end in just a few minutes. To keep track of where you need to make improvements, this plugin also delivers a full report on spelling, grammar and SEO errors. You can keep this for yourself — or hand it off to a teammate to go through.

9. Blog2Social: Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler

Blog2Social helps you sync your posts with social media. With this plugin, you can automatically share, auto post, republish, repost and schedule your work. It easily integrates with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Google My Business, LinkedIn, XING, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, Reddit, VK.com, Medium, Tumblr, Torial, Diigo and Bloglovin’.

The tool has hundreds of  5-star ratings and offers both free and premium plans. If you’re juggling several digital media channels, this plugin is a good way to consolidate your work stream.

Level Up Your WordPress Game

The sheer number of options for WordPress plugins is daunting. There are currently 55,032 available. We didn’t even have time to scratch the surface and dig into a few more of our favorites, including:

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, we hope this list will help you take your projects to the next level.

Google Apps Login is trusted by thousands of organizations from small businesses to NASDAQ-listed companies and government organizations.
Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

You can try it out by clicking below to auto-create a test account on this site! This will show you the basic Google login process.
Try out Google login

Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management. Find out more here.


See [user_first_name] – that was easy!

Your account has been created, and you are now logged in. On your own site, you will specify your Google Apps domain – e.g. mycompany.com – and only users on that domain will be allowed to auto-create accounts.
Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management.
Find out more
