The 13 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins

For many reasons, WordPress is one of the best platforms you can use to build an ecommerce business, not least of which is extensibility.

WordPress is never just WordPress, and your online store is never just a store. With these 13 WordPress ecommerce plugins, you can increase the number of leads you get, engage your customers, and learn more about the users who visit your site. Customize your site to make it the one you and your customers need, and watch your success grow.

1. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most widely used ecommerce platform on WordPress. It has over 4 million downloads and includes features like Product, Cart, and Checkout pages, as well as secure payments by credit card.


Automattic, the company behind WordPress itself, created WooCommerce and offers a basic version for free. A domain name will cost you some money, and some features and extensions are behind a paywall.

WooCommerce is popular enough that you can add a suite of other, supplementary plugins:

2. Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart

Ecwid Ecommerce Shopping Cart, created by Ecwid, makes it easy to sell products on your WordPress site. Ecwid Ecommerce boasts over 1 million sellers and supports 45 languages. There are also a multitude of payment options, including PayPal and Stripe.

Ecommerce businesses are increasingly improving their social media presence. If you’re interested in selling via Facebook or working with influencers, Ecwid Ecommerce has your back. Without any add-ons, Ecwid can automatically synchronize your WordPress and Facebook storefronts, including your products and orders.

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Ecwid offers four pricing plans: Free, $15/month, $35/month, and $99/mo. Free will work for up to 10 products; plans beyond that vary by the number of products you want to sell and the types of functionality and levels of support you need.

3. WP-Chatbot for Facebook Messenger

Customer acquisition isn’t just about getting customers to your site—it’s about getting them across the purchase finish line. There’s no amount of traffic that marketing or advertising can deliver that will guarantee purchases if customers can’t find what they want or get the support they need.

Enter chatbots. Chatbots enable you to be easily available to your customers right when they need you. When a customer has a problem or a question, they can quickly get help, making it more likely that they’ll stay on your site.

WP-Chatbot is one of the simplest ways to get chatbot functionality. With it, you can add a Facebook Messenger chat widget to your WordPress website and build your brand, offer support, and engage your customers even after they’ve left your site.

MobileMonkey created WP-Chatbot and offers it for free, including one-click installation, integration with your Facebook Business page, and a single inbox.

4. Music Store

Music Store, created by CodePeople, is a WordPress plugin that lets you sell audio files. With this add-on, you can sell just about any audio you want, including music, speeches, and narratives.

Music Store protects your products, ensuring that users can’t download them without prior payment. Music Store also comes with an audio player that works with all major browsers, so your customers can easily listen to a preview.

Music Store is free but offers a premium version for €49 that allows you to sell collections and albums, insert a song or album into one of your pages, and more.

5. PixelYourSite

Facebook and Google Analytics enable you to track customer conversions and behaviors via code you put on your website. PixelYourSite makes managing that code, and inputting other scripts, easy.

Learning about your customer is essential for the success of any ecommerce store. PixelYourSite automatically tracks important actions, such as form submissions and downloads, and sends them to your configured pixels. The more customer data you can get, and the better you can manage it, the better you’ll be able to serve them.

PixelYourSite’s prices range from $150 to $500, depending on how many sites you want to use it for.

6. Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress

Ecommerce success depends on the right marketing strategy, but your marketing decisions will work only when informed by the right data.

MonsterInsights has the plugin to help. With Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin for WordPress, you can sync Google Analytics to your site and better understand how your customers find and use your website. Boasting over 2 million downloads, MonsterInsights is the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. With MonsterInsights, you can even enable and use some of the most advanced Google Analytics features—all without hiring a developer.

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Prices range from $99/year to $399/year, depending on how many sites you want to track and the kinds of reporting features you need.

7. WP eCommerce

WP eCommerce is an open-source solution for setting up ecommerce stores on your WordPress site. It powers over 36,000 stores and offers CSS and HTML customizations.

With WP eCommerce, you can add products to a catalog, monitor your sales, and configure taxes.

WP eCommerce has a strong developer community, and new features are being added often. If you need help, WP eCommerce has a network of expert consultants you can use to make the process even easier

8. ShortPixel Image Optimizer

Images are an essential part of making your ecommerce site stand out, but large images can slow things down. The slower your site loads, the more your ability to rank highly on search engine results pages is affected.

Since you can’t forgo your site’s aesthetics, image optimization is a key part of balancing beauty and functionality. With the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin, you can optimize any image or PDF document. ShortPixel makes optimization as easy as possible: It’ll compress all of your previous images and automatically optimize new images in the background.

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ShortPixel offers a range of pricing options, starting at free for 100 images a month, and topping out at $29.99 for 55,000 images a month.

9. NextGEN Pro

Figuring out how best to display your products online is always going to be a challenge for eCommerce operators. Online, you have more flexibility than you would in a physical store, but anything too unorthodox risks confusing your customers.

Galleries are a great way to show off high-quality images of your product while retaining a functional, intuitive interface. Imagely offers a plugin to help set this up called NextGEN Pro. With this plugin, you can add images quickly and supplement them with titles, descriptions, and tags. You can also crop, flip, and rotate them as necessary.

NextGEN Pro is especially useful if you’re actually selling images. With this plugin, you can upload your images at their largest dimension and set multiple options for different dimensions that your users can download.

A regular license will cost you $139 and includes 12 months of support and updates, with automated tax calculations and print lab integration.

10. Holler Box

Your ecommerce store needs leads to keep functioning, but getting them can be a challenge. If you don’t interact or offer anything of value, visitors can leave without a trace—making any traffic-driving initiatives useless.

Holler Box, made by Scott Bolinger, is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add pop-ups and banners that will help you convert visitors into leads. With Holler Box, you can offer a content upgrade form to collect email addresses, promote sales with a header banner, and advertise events seamlessly.

Holler Box prices range from free to $99 a year. The free version comes with unlimited pop-ups, exit-intent pop-ups, numerous email service integrations, scroll triggers, and more. The premium versions offer even more features that you can use across many more sites.

11. Viral Sign Ups

There’s not much out there that’s more powerful than referrals. Most customers will view your advertising or marketing with a skeptical eye, but a referral from a trusted friend can instantly transfer that trust to you.

Creating a referral program is harder than it seems, but with the Viral Sign Ups plugin for WordPress, you can make it easy for customers to invite new customers.

With Viral Sign Ups, you can set your site to prompt newly signed-up users to refer their friends. You can even offer access to one of your services or products in exchange.

Pricing goes from $149 a month to $595 a month, depending on the features and integrations you need.

12. WP Customer Reviews

Even customers who don’t come to your site via referrals will want social proof. Evidence that other customers, just like them, are key to winning them over.

Go Web Solutions designed WP Customer Reviews to make adding review functionality as easy as adding a plugin.

Once installed, you can set up a page on your site that can receive customer testimonials or enable customers to write reviews about your products. Moderation power is built in, so you always have the chance to choose which reviews get displayed.

Best of all, it’s free.

13. Contact Form

Some of your most engaged customers will want to go beyond their purchase. To keep them involved and potentially convert them into brand advocates, you can build forms that enable them to easily contact you.

Contact Form, by WPForms, allows you to create a variety of beautiful forms. Contact Form comes with pre-built templates and workflows, making it accessible to beginners who want to customize their sites. Each form works across devices and is optimized for speed.

screenshot-1 (1).png If you want to engage your customers in even more ways, you can also build feedback, subscription, and payment forms just as easily.

Prices range from $39.50 a year for a basic version with unlimited forms and entries, up to $299.50 a year for unlimited sites and premium support.

Enhance your ecommerce offering

Giving your customers the best experience goes way beyond your website and your products. With these plugins, you can get more referrals, more leads, and more data.

Test out these 13 ecommerce WordPress plug-ins and see which are right for you. If you have others that we didn’t include on this list, let us know in the comment box below, or contact us here.

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