Inaccessible Folders

If a folder with the following icon appears in the menu (folder with arrow) instead of the normal folder (folder without arrow), this is a Google Drive shortcut (new 2022). Folder shortcuts are not accessible through the Google Drive Embedder. To resolve this, the owner of the Google Drive will need to access their Google […]

Folder JS Hooks

Enterprise-style Google Drive Embedder folders fire Javascript events when certain things happen. Your own code could hook into these events. The events available are: gdm_loading_folder(folderid) The folder with ID folderid (a string) is about to be fetched from Google’s API. gdm_loaded_folder(folderid) The folder with ID folderid (a string) has returned from Google’s API. gdm_loaded_file_preview(filedata) The […]

No Google Acct

I don’t want users to need their own Google account to view folders – they keep being asked to authorize (Enterprise version of Google Drive Embedder) It sounds like you have embedded the folder as a ‘Quick Folder’, and that does require the user to have their own Google account in order to view. Instead […]

Invalid Scope

Invalid Scope – 400 error When you click ‘Add Google File’, or attempt to authorize with Google, you just see a window saying ‘400 – That’s an error. invalid_scope’: You probably created the project using a free Google account (or free educational/non-profit G Suite) rather than a paid G Suite (Google Apps) account. That’s fine, […]

Unverified App

When you first configure Google Drive Embedder, users may face the following screen when they attempt to ‘Add Google File’: This is due to Google’s attempts to reduce malicious third-party applications. You can continue to test the app by clicking ‘Show Advanced’ and then ‘Go to site (unsafe)’. Your users can also do the same. […]


In the Add Google File dialog box, I just get the Google Error “Forbidden” First, are you sure you followed all configuration instructions of the Google Apps Login plugin, including enabling Drive API…? Google Apps’ user and permissions systems are complex, and there are many ways you could unintentionally forbid your users from using the […]

Folder Shortcodes

Embedded Folder Shortcodes When you embed a folder in the Enterprise version if the plugin, a shortcode will appear in your post – something like this: [google-drive-folder id="0B0bCnqlT4ojRNHFBT1A3T0VEOFk" title="Sample Folder" border="yes"] You can modify the shortcode to change the appearance of the folder. Core parameters The following parameters explain the core parameters that determine which […]

Attachment Folders

Attachment Folders It is possible to have Drive folders auto-created for each page/post and appended to the bottom of the page. These can act in similar ways to controlled folders, but are associated automatically with the post (or page), and are created in Drive in a special hierarchy. To get started with Attachment Folders, we […]

Controlled Folders

Controlled Folders To make full use of Controlled Folders, you will first need to ensure you have a Service Account configured in Google Apps Login settings – see here for instructions. Controlled Folders are Drive folders specially registered with Drive Embedder so that it can control who can view or make changes on behalf of […]

Embed Folder

iFrame Embedding (Premium version) In the premium version of the plugin, you can embed a basic view of a Drive folder, but this does not offer any of the interactive functionality available in the Enterprise version. For example, clicking on a sub-folder will open up in a new browser tab. To embed a folder in […]

Google Apps Login is trusted by thousands of organizations from small businesses to NASDAQ-listed companies and government organizations.

Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

Users click their way through Login via Google (just one click after the first time)

You can try it out by clicking below to auto-create a test account on this site! This will show you the basic Google login process.
Try out Google login

Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management. Find out more here.


See [user_first_name] – that was easy!

Your account has been created, and you are now logged in. On your own site, you will specify your Google Apps domain – e.g. – and only users on that domain will be allowed to auto-create accounts.

Logging in is only the start – Google Apps Login takes care of all your WordPress user management.

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